Tuesday, February 14, 2006

London Office - Tuesday 14 Feb @ 0930

Here we are, the last day in the office. We'll be catching up with the UK support team this morning and then doing some store visits with a retail district manager this afternoon. We'll be visiting the busiest store here, Leicester Square and then others and discussing the challenges the stores have and how we can turn those challenges into opportunities.

We need to find a Lush store and hit the Chelsea team store as we're out today and all my obligations are done. I got tea for Kim last night on my way to the hotel. Henry has a sack of souvenirs even though I've truly stayed my shopping hand as I've been out.

I am really ready to go home, as is Dave. We talked a lot about it as we walked to the office this morning. I woke up early today and I am completely packed except for the clothes on my back and what I need to take in my carryon. I really miss Henry and my slobbery crazy assed dog. I'm really looking forward to just taking some time and laying on the couch petting the dog and hugging my boy.

The flight tomorrow is @ 1405 GMT and we arrive just after 1500 PST.

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