Saturday, September 10, 2005

Another Good Saturday

Yesterday was our good Friend Gene's 63rd birthday. Henry and I picked out a Lego Enzo Ferrari for him to build (I expect Henry will help a bit) since he has been dropping hints for the past couple years. Henry wrapped it and signed the card and made another card for me to give him and we're on our way over to his house to drop it by today.
It was a nice relaxing morning, poppin' fresh cinnamon rolls and coffee with the paper this morning. Henry let me sleep until after 9am. After breakfast we hit the Saturday farmer's market for corn and bread, made our way to the cheesmonger (Delice de Bourgogne and hot soppressata) and today there was a car show downtown so we spent some time there and ran into Henry's Mom and Grandmother.
Fresh bread with goat cheese and Mama Lil's while Henry spent some time with his Mom.

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