Thursday, December 29, 2005

Xmas come and gone

Greetings and and salutations all,
Once again the holiday season draws to a close here very soon. Henry and I wish a wondrous New Year to you all.

Now that that is out of the way, we've just been hanging around the house this week after Xmas. Henry is catching up with some friends from the ol' cul de sac and I've been slowly but surely working towards putting away ever more stuff from the move. Settling in is quite unsettling if I do say so myself. Buth has been pretty crazed with all the activity and he sometimes is the furry whirling dervish which tends to leave lots of fir needles on the ground around the Xmas tree with his big ol' tail. But he keeps us amused and happy so we like keeping him somewhat wound up anyway.

Henry and I are both fighting colds and although we were supposed to go to Oregon this weekend for New Year's we're staying home, taking care of ourselves and catching up a bit. It didn't help that the cars 3rd cylinder started misfiring a couple days ago and I didn't feel good driving that far especially in the kind of weather we have been experiencing between here and McMinnville. They had snow over ice last week and there has been driving rain between there and Edmonds for the past week or so. It was a good excuse to stay home but today dawned pretty clear and cold, supposed to have a high around 45 or so.

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