Greetings Fair Readers,
As you all know I have been somewhat lax with my postings, well here it is near the end of 2007 and I thought that you committed readers should hear once more this year from your not so committed correspondent.
2007 has been an incredible year with so many high spots; some of them you have read about here and some in just the past couple of months of which I have neglected to update you all so here goes...
Henry is in the 4th grade this year and is doing pretty well but has recently been shown to have some challenges with basic math (yep, the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree here) but at least he still likes it somewhat but Dad is now the tutor and we are starting work on basic math drills. Over the past week or so I gathered a few worksheets from the internet to see where he is and now I have some pretty good idea on where we need to go and in what direction. I have told him that no one likes this much but that Grandpa Don used to sit with me when I was in 4th grade and we worked this every single night. Once he completes a sheet I usually let him check his work with the calculator as he likes doing this and gets really jazzed when the calculator proves him correct. Just you wait and I'll turn him into the human calculator that his Dad is; figuring rough percentages in presentations, tossing out rough figures as the need arises and generally just being able to put a number out there when I need to. He'll be fine...

Here's a copy of Henry's 4th grade school picture, isn't he handsome? He's been spending some time with me at work this year as our team has moved into one of the historic buildings in the oldest part of Seattle in Pioneer Square and he has become quite popular there as he runs rampant and has all of my team mates as well as a lot of the other people on the 8th floor @ 83 South King street. He loves coming to work with me and he loves getting out with my friends and making them his friends but he still won't give any of the girls on my team a goodbye smooch when they ask for it when we leave :) we even drove down to have Xmas Eve elevensies with the group even though I had the day off. Henry wouldn't miss brunch with these guys.
Anyway, Henry is in a new center at school this year and it has been really good for him even though we have found some challenges but we're working through those. He will start running track this year and he is continuing with his bowling leagues and this winter league he will move out of bumpers and into his first league with gutter balls; should be pretty interesting and we'll see how he handles it.
I was promoted this year to a Sr. Analyst position and my job continues to get more and more interesting as I am called on for more large scale and diverse projects as we continue to conquer the world one wee brown bean at a time.
The last couple months have been very good on the personal front as well. A few months ago I met a lovely woman that has brought a new dimension to my life and we are taking a long time to get to know one another and have become good friends as we continue to talk and correspond. We know that we will be great pals for now and probably for a very long time and if it grows into anything more then it does but no expectations on either end for now.
Henry's Mum Kristin is doing well as she continues to go through her chemotherapy. Her strength and humor are pretty impressive as she continues to laugh, show up for Henry's bowling leagues and get through life. She thanks all of you who have sent your good thoughts her way. We continue to parent Henry and he is the most important part of both our lives and both Kristin and I are completely devoted to helping him become a strong, independent, free thinking young man and citizen of the universe
We had a tremendous December 25th celebrating a festival stolen from the pagans by an unimaginative Roman emperor to honor a made up birthday for a human revolutionary of proven Middle Eastern/African descent that has somehow lost all skin pigmentation in Western artistic representation; probably just easier to say Xmas huh? Henry got a Wii from Santa and Dad got a new computer from himself earlier in the month. Everyone is joyous and even Butch got a couple cans of salmon, chicken & lamb feast as Henry and I feasted on a nice 8.5# rib roast while I enjoyed a lovely 2001 Cuneo syrah. We have now survived another holiday and even I am none the worse for wear.
It's Saturday evening and I have spent the better part of the day cleaning, getting bills sorted and catching up on the laundry. I have a big fat cocktail in front of me; WHOOPS! it's empty! gotta sign off so I can refill.
Anyway, I'll try and keep you all updated a bit better in the new year (I know I say that every year) but for now I'll wish you all as many big fat cocktails you can handle in 2008!
Be Excellent to Each Other!